Heightening Awareness for Students

Concerning issues of prejudice & discrimination

Giving Students Strategies

To confront prejudice and discrimination

Celebrating over 30 years of educating teens

S.T.O.P. is an education initiative established in 1991. 

Goals of the S.T.O.P. Program

  • To heighten participant’s awareness concerning issues of prejudice and discrimination
  • To give students the strategies to confront prejudice and discrimination
  • To develop and affirm leadership skills in participating teens

2025 S.T.O.P. Program

Sudbury STOP Program:

Shrewsbury STOP Program:

  • Registration

Calendar meeting dates

This program is a seven-week curriculum, targeted to middle school students and facilitated by high school students. Through the use of games, activities and peer discussions participants learn how to recognize and respond to stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination.

“I recently met with my advisor at my college, Washington University in St. Louis. She had read my college application and essays, one of which I had written about STOP. Of my entire application, of all the clubs and activities I participated in (including varsity baseball, Model United Nations, and Student Senate), she was BY FAR most impressed with STOP. I think this speaks to the relevance, as well as the uniqueness of the organization.​.”

Jonah K.